Attendance: Angele Meyers, Xiale He, Meg Liazos, Marjory Selig, Teresa Medeiros, Jon Lurie, JillAnn Strangio, Vicky Klima-Blanchard
General Comments: Welcome new and returning board members. Due to COVID, we may not be able to move forward with events as originally planned. We want to increase member involvement while following social distancing recommendations.
Training (Marjory): Created weekly training plan leading up to a March half-marathon. Most people responded positively and the program was posted based on member feedback. Those looking for shorter or modified plans and reach out the Marjory and she’ll help put one together.
Events (Katrina): Will keep members resolutions visible by re-posting throughout the year.
Membership (Xiali): Some questions about carrying over membership due to lack of events in the 2020 year. Dues are used to support club fees, the Scholarship fund, and other services provided by the fund, voted to not carry over memberships.
- Some non renewals, club numbers decrease for various reasons. Will work to promote club membership this year by increasing visibility of group runs.
- Some non renewals, club numbers decrease for various reasons. Will work to promote club membership this year by increasing visibility of group runs.
Scholarship (Vicky): Secretary will reach out to local schools to share scholarship applications.
Website: Needs an overhaul and needs to stay up to date! Secretary will look in and see what can be updated.
Store (JillAnn): Our HRC store is closed, can we work on opening it again and getting better gear? JillAnn will look into this.